“Dan ketahuilah bahawa harta benda kamu dan anak-anak kamu itu hanyalah menjadi ujian dan sesungguhnya di sisi Allah jualah pahala yang besar.” - Surah Al-Anfaal, ayat 28

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Khamis. 29 Disember 2005.
Genap 20 minggu kandungan Zuha.
Kelihatannya perut Zuha agak bulat. Tapi tak besar sangat.
Zuha kata, ukuran perut dia 36.5 inci.
Esok jumpa Dr Norleen.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tiba -tiba matanya seakan-akan terkucil keluar. Geram dan marah. Tapi masih nampak raut wajahnya yang ayu, merah menyala tapi tak seperti udang bakar. Rambutnya hitam pekat ditocang dua menyelamatkan keadaan, sekurang-kurangnya tidak seperti gajah mengamuk.
Yang pasti, tangannnya pasti tergenggam erat. Tak sabar-sabar melepaskan sesuatu. Sesuatu itu masih tidak pasti.

Dia dibayangi 5 orang disekilingnya. Tapi dia depannya ada bayangan 6 orang yang lebih menggugat. Kalau dia mahu melompat pasti tak melepasi orang-orang di hadapannya. Kalau dia mahu berdiam, tentu sekali diterjah 5 orang disekeliling menyalahinya. Akhirnya dia menjadi mangsa. Dia tahu, dia perlu bertindak. Melawan, sambil bertahan. Payah tapi masih belum terseksa.

Sekonyong-konyong terdengar satu jeritan yang kuat dan cuba dia mengalih pandangan, .....

"Mi.... pergi kedai kejap, beli susu!", terkejut aku.
Alamak, kacau betul.
Baru nak syok-syok tengok tv dah kena suruh pergi kedai.

Kepada sesiapa yang nak dengar lagu tema Moero Attack, cuba di sini.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Pregnancy Week 19

Minggu ke-19

The Mom:

Several quick toning exercises will help you start preparing for labor, with the added benefit of helping you keep your expanding muscles tone. These are easy to do, but no exercise routine should be started without the advice of your physician.

Tummy Toners

Lie on floor, with your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor. Press the small of your back to the floor.

Slowly extend your legs in front of you until they are both completely straight, but still keep your back pressed well down onto the floor.

Draw one knee up and then the other, without lifting your back off the floor. Relax legs back down to the floor.

Repeat 5 times.

Taylor Sitting helps loosen the groin and hips. It also stretches the inner thigh muscles. Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together. Holding ankles, bring your pelvis and feet together by moving your hips towards your feet.

Squatting also helps prepare you for labor. Squatting has long been thought of as a good position for laboring. Squat down, being sure to keep a straight back. Try to put your heels down by placing your weight evenly. Press your elbows against your thighs pushing them outward.


Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination
Indigestion or heartburn
Occasional headaches
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)

The Baby:

Baby's weight this week averages around 8 ounces. Pregnancy lengths were measured as head to rump, but now well start using head to toe measurements. Using this method, your little one is almost 9 inches long Baby teeth have developed in the gums and the bud for permanent teeth are just starting to form. Baby is just starting to be aware of sounds outside the uterus, and you may feel baby startle at unexpected noises.

taken from : www.amazingpregnancy.com

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Terima Kasih

Sebenarnya dah lama aku nak ucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Erzam dan Lynn serta tentu sekali si kenit Hariz kerana menghadiahkan Zuha dan "kami" buku "Pregnancy & Birth Book".

Seperti kata Hariz, "Enjoy this Wonderful Time".
Ya, segala-galanya bukan baru tapi tetap teruja.

Terima Kasih, Hariz.

Ezra's Moment of ....

Peristiwa berlaku pada 11 Disember yang lepas.

Ezra, salah seorang kawan baik Zuha, melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan Adeq (Ahmad Shahizan).

Mesej : Moga bahagia selalu serta mendapat Rahmat dan keberkatan sepanjang zaman.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Boy or Girl

Ramai bertanya, lelaki ke perempuan?
Aku kata, tak tahu lagi. Memang tak tahu lagi.
Semasa scanning hari tu , tak nampak pun. Mungkin sebab baru lagi.
Tunggulah 30 Disember nanti untuk temujanji seterusnya dengan Dr Norleen, mana tahu boleh nampak.

Sebagai mana tajuknya, bila aku melayari internet tentang jantina bayi, banyak betul jadual jantina bayi mengikut kalendar cina.
salah satunya aku ambil dari http://www.thelaboroflove.com.

Chinese Lunar Calendar

To find the gender prediction, find the mother's age at conception (across the top of the table) and then the month in which conception occurred. Follow the column and row to the intersecting point. The color of the box tells you what the prediction is. Blue = Boy and Pink = Girl

Jadi, kalau ikut jadual ni, umur Zuha semasa 'conception' adalah 25 tahun 9 bulan = 26 tahun.
dan bulan terjadi 'conception' adalah bulan Ogos.
Dan, keputusannya adalah BIRU = BOY.

Nota : Kata orang tak elok bincang-bincang pasal jantina anak, betul ke?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Minggu ke-18

Puhhhh...dah 18 minggu.
Sejak kebelakangan ni Zuha dah selera makan.
Kalau dulu, dia tak kisah nak breakfast. Tapi sekarang, dia yang akan cepat lapar.
Tapi berat badan masih maintain 51kg.

Sedikit info dari www.amazingpregnancy.com

The Mom:

The hormones in pregnancy can cause changes in the appearance of your skin and hair. You may find that you have uneven patches of color or a butterfly shaped one called "the mask of pregnancy". These changes are more common in dark-skinned women. Your capillaries under your skin on your face can increase, causing you to look flushed. This is sometimes referred to as the "glow" that pregnant women are thought to have about them. You can use your foundation to cover both of these.

Your hair may appear thicker, it may gain a little curl, or it may start thinning. You will find that whatever your hair type, it usually becomes worse, i.e. dry hair becomes dryer.

You can now feel your uterus just below your navel. The average woman has gained close to 12 pounds by now.


Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination
Indigestion or heartburn
Occasional headaches
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)

The Baby:
This week your baby is about 5.6 inches long and by the end of the week will weigh about 5 ounces! She is really growing! You are also growing as well, Mom! You can probably feel your uterus just under your navel. You have probably gained about 10 to 12 pounds.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Cendol.... di mana kan cari...?

Waktu itu 11:23 pm

"Daddy.. nak cendol.."

"Erm..nak carik kat mana, malam-malam ni?"
"ABC adalah kot kat gerai Kelantan tu.", aku cuba memujuk

"Tak nak." Geleng kepala.

"Esoklah ya.." Aku memujuk yakin.

Dia angguk.

Sedap jugak.

Ezra's Happiest Moment

= Rini, Zuha, Ezra, Hawa

Kini dia sudah bergelar Puan Ezra.
Tahniah. Moga kekal bahagia ke anak cucu.
Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula suami isteri.
Hadapi dengan tenang, sabar dan waras.


Friday, December 09, 2005


Aku lahir di pertengahan 70-an.

Kalau aku lahir di zaman sekarang, aku akan merasa naik

ini :

= semasa berumur 8 atau 9 bulan.

ini :

atau ini :

Tentu seronok. Tapi baby ada perasaan seronok ke pada semua ini?
Yang seronok, mak dan ayahnya kot?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Minggu ke-17

The Mom:

Having trouble finding a comfortable way to sleep? It's a common complaint in pregnancy as they progress. It's recommended that pregnant women not sleep on their backs. As your uterus grows, when you lie on your back, it puts pressure on several important blood vessels. This can decrease circulation to your baby, and yourself.

You may find it more comfortable to sleep on your side, with a pillow between your knees. This helps keep your hips in alignment. Some women find comfort with placing a pillow under their growing abdomen, or in using body pillows.

Experiment with what works best for you.

You may also have already felt your baby's first movements by now. This is called quickening. It feels like a butterfly fluttering in your stomach. It's also been describes as "bubbles". It will be a few more weeks before you start feeling kicks and punches.

Your uterus is about 1 1/2 to 2 inches below your navel at this point.


Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination
Indigestion or heartburn
Occasional headaches
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)

The Baby:
This week, your baby is starting to develop fat layers. Did you know that by the time your baby is born, fat layers will be about 3/4 of his total weight? Speaking of weight, your little one now weighs on the average 3.5 ounces and is almost 5 inches long.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Jemput-jemput ikan bilis

Hari ini, hujan turun dengan lebatnya.
Macam biasa, perut terus jadi lapar.

Mak aku kata, Zuha elok kurangkan makan nasi pada waktu malam.
Sebabnya, supaya nanti baby tak besar sangat, jadi mudah lah sikit Zuha nak bersalin.
Mak kata, makan yang ringan-ringan, macam roti, mee hun dan sebagainya.

Tapi kalau diikutkan, semua tu sumber karbohidrat jugak kan?
Takpelah, asalkan berat Zuha tak over.
Berat Zuha sekarang = 51 kg.

Berat aku pulak = .... 8 kg (tambah 0 kat blkg tu..)

Monday, December 05, 2005


Aku dan dia memang rapat.
Boleh dikatakan amat rapat.
Perpisahan antara kami terjadi dengan tiba-tiba,
bukan sengaja tapi terpaksa demi kebaikannya.

Hari ini, aku terima satu panggilan
perpisahan yang aku nantikan pertemuannya itu bakal tercipta
Gembiranya hati.
Perpisahan sementara itu akan berakhir.

Aku tak sabar
Membalas dendam rindu.

Saatnya akan tiba.
Untuk bertemu kembali dengan laptop ku yang dihantar servis da...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rumput Carpet

Project in the making.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

16 minggu sudah berlalu ....

Masa terlalu pantas, kadang-kadang tak terkejar.
Bila tengok perut Zuha, aku tersenyum. Aku usap-usap perut tu.
"Assalamualaikum baby,.."
Kadang-kadang tak tahu nak cakap apa. Jadi, aku usap-usap sajalah.

Apa yang aku baca, di usia 4 bulan, baby masih sekecil tapak tangan, matanya masih tertutup, tapi kaki dan tangannya sudah mula digoyangkan cuma ibunya tak dapat merasakan lagi pergerakan yang kuat.

Semalam, bila sampai rumah dan check post box, ada parcel untuk Zuha.
Dari Hariz Erzam. Terima kasih Hariz, Erzam dan Lynn sebab susah payah hantar buku yang amat berguna. Bila belek-belek dan baca, barulah Zuha sedar dah 2 kali dia kena cramp di kaki adalah disebabkan kurang kalsium dalam darah ataupun kekurangan garam mineral dalam pemakanan harian.

Terus aku buatkan susu anmum yang dah 3 bulan tak terusik.
Zuha tak berapa suka, tapi habis juga separuh gelas. Oklah untuk beginner.
Pelik betul kenapa orang tak suka minum susu. Aku peminat susu yang setia. :)

Sedikit info tentang kehamilan bulan ke-16 dari www.amazingpregnancy.com

Pregnancy Week 16

Usually around 16 weeks, you will have a couple of prenatal testing options made available to you. Once of the most common is the ultrasound. This technology uses sound waves to see your baby. It's painless, although you may be asked to have a full bladder, which can be a bit uncomfortable.

You will lie on a table, and your stomach will be lubricated to help the scanner move across it. Ultrasounds can be used to determin fetal age, many abnormalities of the head and spine, the delveloment of the major organs, such as heart, kidneys, and stomach. It can also determine twins, the placement of the placenta and sometimes, the baby's sex. If you don't want to know, be sure to tell your ultrasound technichian beforehand. Remember, it's not a guarantee, so, you may not want to paint the nursery based on it.

Alphafetoprotein testing (AFP) is another option. This test measures the amount of AFP present in your blood. It is usually done between 16 - 18 weeks. It can detect such problems as spina bifida, anencephaly and possibly Down's Syndrome. If the test comes back as abnormal, you can have it confirmed with another AFP test or it's possible your provide may recommend you have amniocentesis. Risks of AFP are small. If you have concerns, discuss them with your provider.

Amniocentesis, a test done with a sample of your amniotic fluid withdrawal by syringe, may also be recommended if you are over 35. Women over 35 are thought to have higher risks associated with many chromosomal problems. There are more risks to amnio than other prenatal testing. Some of these include: trauma to the baby, placenta or umbilical cord; infection, or premature labor. Your provider should cover all these when you if an amnio is recommended.


Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination
Indigestion or heartburn
Occasional headaches
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)

The Baby:
This may be the week you feel your baby move. This is sometimes called "quickening" It's been described as a "flutter" or "butterflies". Don't be too worried if you don't feel it yet. It may be as late as your 20th week before you feel those first little flutters. The lanugo hair is present, and covers your baby's head and body. Your baby is still growing and this week measures about 4.5 inches long, and weighs almost 3 ounces!